Aws Asia Pacific

Aws Asia Pacific, News

Aws asia pacific, Latest News

Trend Micro Inc. is a multinational cyber security and defense company with global headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, with regional headquarters and R&D centers in Asia, Europe, and North America.
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AWS ready to help Indian govt with safeguarding sensitive data - Hindi News | AWS ready to help Indian govt with safeguarding sensitive data | Latest technology News at

Technology :AWS ready to help Indian govt with safeguarding sensitive data

As Amazon Web Services (AWS) doubles down on reaching out to the Indian government with its Public Sector Cloud offerings, the key is to bring the message home that AWS is the only player which can isolate sensitive data from the routine open data wi ...

Indian enterprises go whole hog on Cloud adoption - Hindi News | Indian enterprises go whole hog on Cloud adoption | Latest national News at

National :Indian enterprises go whole hog on Cloud adoption

India has started to see significant Cloud adoption by the enterprises, including small and medium businesses (SMBs), and three things are on top of their minds while looking for a Cloud vendor: Cost, security and scalability/agility. ...

Sensitive Indian govt data must be stored locally - Hindi News | Sensitive Indian govt data must be stored locally | Latest national News at

National :Sensitive Indian govt data must be stored locally

As the Indian government plans to embrace Cloud across ministries and departments, the key challenge is to ensure that sensitive data and regulated workloads remain safe from nation-state bad actors and must be stored at data centres or Cloud regions ...