

Choksi, Latest News

Mehul Chinubhai Choksi is an Indian-born fugitive businessman, residing in Antigua and Barbuda, who is wanted by the Judicial Authorities of India for criminal conspiracy, criminal breach of trust, cheating and dishonesty including delivery of property, corruption and money laundering.
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EAM S. Jaishankar says 'no comment' on Antigua revoking Mehul Choksi's citizenship - Hindi News | EAM S. Jaishankar says 'no comment' on Antigua revoking Mehul Choksi's citizenship | Latest politics News at

Politics :EAM S. Jaishankar says 'no comment' on Antigua revoking Mehul Choksi's citizenship

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Tuesday refused to answer a query on reports that Antigua has revoked the citizenship of fugitive diamontaire Mehul Choksi. ...