
Esports Science Research Lab, News

Esports science research lab, Latest News

Brush up your esport skills with 10 minutes of video gaming daily - Hindi News | Brush up your esport skills with 10 minutes of video gaming daily | Latest technology News at

Technology :Brush up your esport skills with 10 minutes of video gaming daily

While playing video games for hours can affect one's eyesight, a new study has found that video gamers can significantly improve their esport skills by training for just 10 minutes a day. ...

10 minutes of video gaming everyday may enhance esport skills: Study - Hindi News | 10 minutes of video gaming everyday may enhance esport skills: Study | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :10 minutes of video gaming everyday may enhance esport skills: Study

A new study has found that video gamers can significantly improve their esport skills by training for just 10 minutes a day. ...