Google Workspace

Google Assistance, News

Google assistance, Latest News

Google Workspace is a collection of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools, software and products developed and marketed by Google. It was first launched in 2006 as Google Apps for Your Domain and rebranded as G Suite in 2016.
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OpenAI now offers up to $20K for finding security flaws in ChatGPT - Hindi News | OpenAI now offers up to $20K for finding security flaws in ChatGPT | Latest technology News at

Technology :OpenAI now offers up to $20K for finding security flaws in ChatGPT

New Delhi, April 12 Microsoft-owned OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, is now offering up to $20,000 to security ... ...

Google Docs introduces Emoji reactions in latest Workspace update - Hindi News | Google Docs introduces Emoji reactions in latest Workspace update | Latest technology News at

Technology :Google Docs introduces Emoji reactions in latest Workspace update

Emoji, the most viable form of expressing our feelings on social media, has found its way to the Google Workspace for users to now react to any content on Google Docs, simply using a symbol instead of writing a comment or remark on it. ...

Get It Made delights customers, achieves 250 percent increase in efficiency with Hiver - Hindi News | Get It Made delights customers, achieves 250 percent increase in efficiency with Hiver | Latest business News at

Business :Get It Made delights customers, achieves 250 percent increase in efficiency with Hiver

Get It Made, a manufacturing-as-a-service company, started using Hiver - the world's first helpdesk designed for Google Workspace. ...

Legrand India launches Living Now, India's first intrinsically connected wiring devices range - Hindi News | Legrand India launches Living Now, India's first intrinsically connected wiring devices range | Latest business News at

Business :Legrand India launches Living Now, India's first intrinsically connected wiring devices range

Legrand India, a global leader in electrical and digital building infrastructure, announces the launch of Living Now, the revolutionary range of electric controls. ...