Gopi Chand Narang

Gopi Chand Narang, News

Gopi chand narang, Latest News

Gopi Chand Narang was an Indian theorist, literary critic, and scholar who wrote in Urdu and English. His Urdu literary criticism incorporated a range of modern theoretical frameworks including stylistics, structuralism, post-structuralism, and Eastern poetics.
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'Firaq': The poet who celebrated India's assimilative culture (IANS Column: Bazm-e-Ghazal) - Hindi News | 'Firaq': The poet who celebrated India's assimilative culture (IANS Column: Bazm-e-Ghazal) | Latest national News at

National :'Firaq': The poet who celebrated India's assimilative culture (IANS Column: Bazm-e-Ghazal)

By Vikas Datta Scholars have devoted tomes to it, politic have waxed long about it, but it was an ... ...