
Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Centre, News

Johns hopkins university coronavirus resource centre, Latest News

1st in-ear wearable device to help decode long Covid-related brain fog - Hindi News | 1st in-ear wearable device to help decode long Covid-related brain fog | Latest health News at

Health :1st in-ear wearable device to help decode long Covid-related brain fog

New York, June 21 An American digital health company has developed a 24/7 in-ear wearable device that measures ... ...

Researchers 'see' how the brain adapts to different situations using machine learning - Hindi News | Researchers 'see' how the brain adapts to different situations using machine learning | Latest technology News at

Technology :Researchers 'see' how the brain adapts to different situations using machine learning

Maryland [US] June 5 : Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have created a technique that uses artificial intelligence to ... ...

Canada's COVID-19 cases surpass 114,000, death toll exceeds 8,890 - Hindi News | Canada's COVID-19 cases surpass 114,000, death toll exceeds 8,890 | Latest international News at

International :Canada's COVID-19 cases surpass 114,000, death toll exceeds 8,890

Newly-released data on COVID-19 cases in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec indicate that the total number of infections for the country has surpassed 114,000 cases. ...

California surpasses New York as US state with most COVID-19 cases - Hindi News | California surpasses New York as US state with most COVID-19 cases | Latest international News at

International :California surpasses New York as US state with most COVID-19 cases

California has overtaken New York as the US state with the most reported novel coronavirus cases, according to data compiled by the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Centre. ...

US' coronavirus tally crosses 2.5 million mark, toll at 125,480 - Hindi News | US' coronavirus tally crosses 2.5 million mark, toll at 125,480 | Latest international News at

International :US' coronavirus tally crosses 2.5 million mark, toll at 125,480

The number of COVID-19 cases in the United States has exceeded 2.5 million, according to data compiled by the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Centre. ...

Coronavirus cases in US surpass 35,000, toll at 473 - Hindi News | Coronavirus cases in US surpass 35,000, toll at 473 | Latest international News at

International :Coronavirus cases in US surpass 35,000, toll at 473

The number of confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in the United States has increased to 35,225, while the death toll reached 473, the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Centre revealed on Monday. ...