
Jyotsna Srivastava, News

Jyotsna srivastava, Latest News

Kamla Nehru Hospital fire: Eight more infants died within 36 hrs of mishap, says hospital's Pediatrics Deptt head - Hindi News | Kamla Nehru Hospital fire: Eight more infants died within 36 hrs of mishap, says hospital's Pediatrics Deptt head | Latest national News at

National :Kamla Nehru Hospital fire: Eight more infants died within 36 hrs of mishap, says hospital's Pediatrics Deptt head

After four children were killed in a fire mishap at a Kamla Nehru Hospital in Bhopal on Monday night, the hospital's Pediatrics Department head Dr Jyotsna Srivastava on Wednesday said that as many as eight more infants had died within 36 hours of the ...