Kamal Alameh

Kamal Alam

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Saudi's reluctance to offer help to Pakistan, a wake up call, signals new geopolitical contours - Hindi News | Saudi's reluctance to offer help to Pakistan, a wake up call, signals new geopolitical contours | Latest national News at

National :Saudi's reluctance to offer help to Pakistan, a wake up call, signals new geopolitical contours

By Mahua Venkatesh New Delhi, March 20: Saudi Arabia's reluctance to provide any meaningful financial assistance to Pakistan, which ... ...

Haqqani network's induction in new Afghanistan govt dashes hopes of moderate Taliban - Hindi News | Haqqani network's induction in new Afghanistan govt dashes hopes of moderate Taliban | Latest international News at

International :Haqqani network's induction in new Afghanistan govt dashes hopes of moderate Taliban

The induction of the Haqqani network in the new caretaker "Islamic Emirate" of Afghanistan shows that all the promises made by the Taliban that it will not provide a safe haven to jihadis and will reduce their hardline views have been dashed. ...

'One man responsible for destruction raging across Afghanistan is Zalmay Khalilzad' - Hindi News | 'One man responsible for destruction raging across Afghanistan is Zalmay Khalilzad' | Latest international News at

International :'One man responsible for destruction raging across Afghanistan is Zalmay Khalilzad'

New Delhi, Aug 23 Questions surround Zalmay Khalilzad, an enigmatic diplomat who presided over US failures in Iraq ... ...