
Miracle Foundation India, News

Miracle foundation india, Latest News

NGOs provide help to children from poor families in online education - Hindi News | NGOs provide help to children from poor families in online education | Latest national News at

National :NGOs provide help to children from poor families in online education

With education now being imparted mostly through digital means in view of COVID-19, it has been a challenge for people from weaker sections to get devices and internet connection for their children to continue their studies. ...

NGOs playing crucial role in providing food, sanitation, shelter to needy - Hindi News | NGOs playing crucial role in providing food, sanitation, shelter to needy | Latest national News at

National :NGOs playing crucial role in providing food, sanitation, shelter to needy

With the cases of COVID-19 rapidly increasing in the country, the government at the Centre and in the State is taking every measure including sealing buildings and hotspots to contain the spread of the virus. ...