
Nikhil Bhaskar

Nikhil bhaskar, Latest News

Ulipsu onboards 200+ schools across South India to impart a NEP-aligned skilling ecosystem - Hindi News | Ulipsu onboards 200+ schools across South India to impart a NEP-aligned skilling ecosystem | Latest business News at

Business :Ulipsu onboards 200+ schools across South India to impart a NEP-aligned skilling ecosystem

Ulipsu, India's first versatile and multipotential OTT-like learning platform, is all set to make a landmark achievement by onboarding 300+ schools across India in the next 3 months. The brand has already onboarded 200+ schools across Karnataka, Tami ...

India's 1st multi-potential learning platform, 'Ulipsu' raises 1.5 million USD from the UK and Middle East-Based Angel Investors - Hindi News | India's 1st multi-potential learning platform, 'Ulipsu' raises 1.5 million USD from the UK and Middle East-Based Angel Investors | Latest business News at

Business :India's 1st multi-potential learning platform, 'Ulipsu' raises 1.5 million USD from the UK and Middle East-Based Angel Investors

Bengaluru based Ulipsu, India's first multipotential OTT like learning platform, from Kidvento Education and Research Private Limited, recently raised USD 1.5 million in funding from angel investors based in the Middle East and the UK. ...