
Nrs Medical College & Hospital, News

Nrs medical college & hospital, Latest News

Bengal poll violence: Injured Trinamool worker succumbs to injuries, death toll rises to 45 - Hindi News | Bengal poll violence: Injured Trinamool worker succumbs to injuries, death toll rises to 45 | Latest politics News at

Politics :Bengal poll violence: Injured Trinamool worker succumbs to injuries, death toll rises to 45

Kolkata, July 14 The death toll in the poll-related violence in West Bengal has risen to 45 after ... ...

2 Kolkata pavement dwellers test positive for coronavirus - Hindi News | 2 Kolkata pavement dwellers test positive for coronavirus | Latest national News at

National :2 Kolkata pavement dwellers test positive for coronavirus

In an alarming development, two pavement dwellers who earn their living by begging, have been detected positive for the novel coronavirus infection, officials said. ...

79 including 39 doctors of Kolkata hospital quarantined - Hindi News | 79 including 39 doctors of Kolkata hospital quarantined | Latest national News at

National :79 including 39 doctors of Kolkata hospital quarantined

79 personnel including doctors, nurses and health workers of Nil Ratan Sarkar Medical College and Hospital were sent on quarantine and a ward closed down on Monday after the test results of a youth received after his death detected him coronavirus po ...