
Rohit Chennamaneni, News

Rohit chennamaneni, Latest News

Asia's leading HR technology platform Darwinbox raises $72 Million funding led by Technology Crossover Ventures (TCV) at $1B+ valuation - Hindi News | Asia's leading HR technology platform Darwinbox raises $72 Million funding led by Technology Crossover Ventures (TCV) at $1B+ valuation | Latest business News at

Business :Asia's leading HR technology platform Darwinbox raises $72 Million funding led by Technology Crossover Ventures (TCV) at $1B+ valuation

Darwinbox, Asia's fastest-growing HR tech platform, marks another milestone with a $72MN funding round led by Technology Crossover Ventures (TCV) along with participation from existing investors Salesforce Ventures, Sequoia India, Lightspeed India, E ...

Darwinbox appoints Ex. Alight APAC Head to fuel growth & accelerate global expansion - Hindi News | Darwinbox appoints Ex. Alight APAC Head to fuel growth & accelerate global expansion | Latest business News at

Business :Darwinbox appoints Ex. Alight APAC Head to fuel growth & accelerate global expansion

Shaswat Kumar joins the executive leadership team of Darwinbox, the youngest and the only Asian player to feature on Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Cloud HCM Suites 2021. The ex-Alight APAC Head comes on board as the Senior VP of Global Customer Succes ...