
Vivek Mittal, News

Vivek mittal, Latest News

YugasaBot launches a new feature to check vitals while talking to the Chatbot - Hindi News | YugasaBot launches a new feature to check vitals while talking to the Chatbot | Latest business News at

Business :YugasaBot launches a new feature to check vitals while talking to the Chatbot

New Delhi [India], April 18 (/SRV): YugasaBot, the leading healthcare chatbot of India, has made it possible to check ... ...

YugasaBot launched an AI-driven Voice Bots feature in its platform - Hindi News | YugasaBot launched an AI-driven Voice Bots feature in its platform | Latest business News at

Business :YugasaBot launched an AI-driven Voice Bots feature in its platform

YugasaBot recently launched its much-awaited feature of voice bots driven by AI to help businesses provide better customer experiences. ...

YugasaBot, the leading AI Chatbot for the healthcare industry, now aims to serve rural India - Hindi News | YugasaBot, the leading AI Chatbot for the healthcare industry, now aims to serve rural India | Latest business News at

Business :YugasaBot, the leading AI Chatbot for the healthcare industry, now aims to serve rural India

YugasaBot joins the healthcare pilot DIISHA (Digital Innovations Interventions for Sustainable Healthtech Action) for empowering ASHA workers with an AI-enabled chatbot for answering their queries about health policies for their respective village re ...