
Abdullah Abdullah

Abdullah-abdullah, Latest Marathi News

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Abdullah Abdullah is an Afghan politician, serving as Chief Executive of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan since September 2014. From October 2001 to April 2005, he served as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Prior to that he was a senior member of the Northern Alliance working as an adviser to Ahmad Shah Massoud. He also worked as a medical doctor during the late 1990s.

International : As Taliban with Kalashnikovs roam Kabul, dress code turns to salwar kameez

International : Big campaign on to retain Afghan flag in new Emirate

International : Nepal seeks international help to evacuate its nationals from Afghanistan

International : End of Afghan Republic, 1st night under Islamic Emirate

International : Afghanistan: 2 explosions reported near US embassy, presidential place

International : Afghan President Ghani had reason to fear for his life

International : US sends additional troops to ensure safe evacuation of diplomatic presence from Kabul

Politics : Abdullah confirms Ghani has left Afghanistan, likely for Tajikistan

International : Afghans living in Delhi clueless about consequences of Taliban control in Afghanistan

International : Afghan govt handing power to Taliban, Ali Ahamd Jalali to be appointed as new interim head