

Aden, Latest Marathi News

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Aden is a port city and the temporary capital of Yemen, located by the eastern approach to the Red Sea, some 170 km east of Bab-el-Mandeb. Its population is approximately 800,000 people.

Politics : Yemeni govt, Houthis begin 3-day prisoner exchange

International : Yemen prisoner swap begins as first plane departs

Politics : Yemen govt officials in Saudi Arabia to discuss 3-yr plan to end civil war

International : 4 killed in IS suicide bombing in Yemen's capital

Politics : UN envoy calls for dialogue, compromises to achieve long-lasting peace in Yemen

Politics : Houthis expand military operations in Yemen, defying peace calls

Politics : Yemen govt warns of return to full-scale conflict as Houthis escalate attacks

Politics : 11 mn Yemeni children need humanitarian aid: Unicef

Politics : Yemen's PLC chief calls for comprehensive ceasefire during Ramadan

Politics : UN envoy confirms Yemen's warring sides agree to release 887 detainees