
Alibaba Group

Alibaba-group-holding, Latest Marathi News

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Alibaba Group Holding Limited, also known as Alibaba Group and, is a Chinese multinational technology company specializing in e-commerce, retail, Internet, and technology.

National : Alibaba to hire 2,000 graduates in China amid youth unemployment crisis

Technology : Jack Ma appears to discuss 'understanding of mathematics' with students

Entertainment : As 'Alibaba: Chapter 2' approaches climax, actors share special moments

Technology : ChatGPT can perform data analysis at fraction of human cost: Study

Technology : Alibaba to make significant job cuts amid IPO plans

Technology : Jack Ma to teach at Tokyo University on sustainable agriculture, food production

International : Alibaba Group in dilemma whether to retain control of individual businesses after IPOs

International : Xi Jinping's consolidation of power leaves little room for dissent

Technology : Alibaba Founder Jack Ma resurfaces, cites 'difficult' year to rural teachers

Technology : Alibaba rejigs top brass after major server outage, CEO to look after Cloud arm