
Artificial intelligence

Artificial-intelligence-and-data-science, Latest Marathi News

Technology : How AI protected SME businesses from Covid-19 risks

Health : Gurugram residents to avail mental health services on app

Business : Kochi-based recruitment automation start-up, Zappyhire, raises INR 3.71 cr. in seed round funding

National : Reaching unreached, reaching them early is challenge, says MoS Bharati Pawar on advancing TB response

Health : 'Need to accelerate digital technology, AI to advance TB response'

National : K'taka: Outgoing British envoy expresses gratitude towards Ashwatha Narayana for cooperation in collaborative engagements

Business : Bubble Tea pioneer MAD & CO honoured with 'Debutant Franchisor of the Year, 2021' Award

Technology : AI adoption can add $90 bn to Indian economy by 2025: Report

Business : Architecture and Environment Talk Series 2021 by SCAD

Lifestyle : Author Rajiv Bahl's new literary take on jobs post-pandemic