
Georgia Institute of Technology

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The Georgia Institute of Technology, commonly referred to as Georgia Tech or, in the state of Georgia, as Tech, is a public research university and institute of technology in Atlanta, Georgia.

International : US Secretary of State Announces New Visa Restrictions on Georgia for Undermining Democracy

International : US Shooting: Woman Shoots Drivers on Florida Highway, Claims She Was Directed by God via Solar Eclipse

Technology : Cat locomotion could unlock better human spinal cord injury treatment: Research

Technology : Phases of water can be better studied through machine learning models: Research

Health : This wearable device spots changing size of tumours below skin

Technology : Here's how combination of muscle and skin plays important role in elephant's trunk

International : Korea good addition, but India ideal strategic partner for Quad: Report

International : Husband kidnaps ex-wife in a bizarre plot to impress and save her

स्वास्थ्य : Experimental vaccine for swine fever virus shows promise

: US: Minor boy swallows AirPod that he got as Christmas gift