
Asia-pacific group

Asia-pacific-group, Latest Marathi News

International : Odisha MP Aparajita Sarangi elected Asia Pacific Group's Inter-Parliamentary Union panel member

Politics : Pakistan 'lacks effectiveness' on FATF-linked goals

National : Himachal dam expert elected to global body

Politics : Pak likely to remain on FATF grey list until June: Report

International : Foreign Secretary Shringla congratulates Bimal Patel for election to UN's International Law Commission

International : FATF removes Mauritius, Botswana from 'grey list'; retains Pakistan, adds three countries

International : Pakistan retained on FATF 'grey list'

Politics : Pak expected to remain on FATF grey list till April 2022

International : FM Qureshi bemoans FATF's decision to retain Pakistan on its grey list

International : Pak fails to effectively implement the global FATF standards, to stay on grey list