
Big Data

Big-data, Latest Marathi News

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LiveRamp Holdings, Inc., formerly known as Acxiom Corporation, is a San Francisco, California-based SaaS company that offers an identity resolution platform.

Business : Incubit CEO reveals strategy for building a future-ready post-pandemic workforce

Business : Raktim Singh's first book on digital transformation is already Amazon's best-seller and available across the globe

Business : Monty Panesar joins AllStars Trader to give unique IPL 2021 insights

Aurangabad : International Seminar on IoT, sensor devices , big data held

टेकमेनिया : Digital identity for refugees may lead to discrimination

: Indian government sector next big thing for Google Cloud

कारोबार : Skilling millennials in disruptive tech will take India to $5tn mark

कारोबार : Government to double down on creating New-Age skill sets