
Biswajit Dasgupta

Biswajit-dasgupta, Latest Marathi News

National : Naval Airfield Security Systems gets upgraded at INS Dega

National : Eastern Naval Command chief reviews Passing Out Parade, awards 'Wings' to pilots

National : Navy gets new ALH squadron to enhance surveillance on east coast

National : 'Agniveer' program to have basic, sea and professional training: Eastern Naval Command chief

National : GRSE launches Indian Navy survey vessel 'INS Nirdeshak'

National : Vice Admiral Biswajit Dasgupta calls on West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar

National : On R-Day, Indian Navy to 'gift' decommissioned warship 'Khukri' to Diu

National : INS Khukri decommissioned after 32 years of service

National : Eastern Naval Command organises 'High Tea' to commemorate Navy Day

National : Biswajit Dasgupta takes charge as Eastern Naval Command's Chief