
Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie-mellon-university, Latest Marathi News

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Carnegie Mellon University is a private research university based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1900 by Andrew Carnegie as the Carnegie Technical Schools, the university became the Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1912 and began granting four-year degrees.

Technology : Study explores how children learn languages faster

Lifestyle : Study shows how rudeness leads to anchoring bias

National : Mumbai students travelling abroad for studies express happiness over prioritised COVID-19 vaccination

Business : AI Startup led by IITian raises USD 1 mn to build a voice-based assistant for doctors

Technology : Diabetes patients may witness improved health, lower medical costs by use of health apps

Health : Use of health apps by diabetes patients linked to improved health, lower medical costs

Technology : Study: Bacteria shape their resilient to antibiotics

Technology : Some bacteria grow resilient to antibiotics by changing shapes: Study

Technology : A page with too many pictures may hinder reading ability in children: Study

Technology : Study unveils an automated method for making communications more polite