
Global Times

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The Global Times is a daily tabloid newspaper under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party's flagship People's Daily newspaper, commenting on international issues from a nationalistic perspective.

International : China defends growing military budget, says spending is purely to safeguard nation's sovereignty

International : China sets GDP target at 5 pc, defence budget up by 7.2 pc

International : China: 16 killed in multi-vehicle collision, transport authority holds emergency meeting

International : Rwanda follows Chinese-style military parade in recently concluded graduation ceremony

Health : China claims actively sharing accurate Covid-related data

International : Chinese citizens move out with vengeance, prefer Covid infections for immunity in vaccine absence

Health : Global Covid surge fears loom as China resumes air travel

International : China releases new COVID-19 control protocol, calls for monitoring mutated variants

International : Shanghai to remove COVID test requirement in indoor entertainment venues and restaurants from Friday

International : China announces nationwide loosening of Covid curbs