
Eli Cohen

Eli-cohen, Latest Marathi News

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Eliyahu Ben-Shaul Cohen, commonly known as Eli Cohen, was an Egyptian-born Israeli spy. He is best known for his espionage work in 1961–65 in Syria, where he developed close relationships with the Syrian political and military hierarchy.

International : Israeli Foreign Minister Cohen talks security cooperation in Greece

International : Israel: FM Cohen Speaks with Greek Counterpart

International : Israel Foreign Minister Eli Cohen talks Iranian threat with US Secretary of State

International : Fiji to open embassy in Israel, also confirms soldiers in UN Force were arrested for smuggling drugs

International : Israeli FM Cohen talks Iranian threat with UK counterpart

International : FM Cohen talks Iranian threat with Japanese Deputy FM

International : Israeli Foreign Minister talks 'Fight Against Iran' during visit to Korea

International : Hungary to open Embassy in Jerusalem, says Israeli Foreign Minister

International : Direct flights from Israel to Saudi Arabia likely next month

International : Israel honors nations that recognize Jerusalem as its capital