
The Energy and Resources Institute

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The Energy and Resources Institute is a research institute in New Delhi that specializes in the fields of energy, environment and sustainable development. Established in 1974, it was formerly known as the Tata Energy Research Institute. As the scope of its activities widened, it was renamed The Energy and Resources Institute in 2003.

National : Delhi's winter PM 2.5 level to be dangerous in 2030 too: TERI

International : 'Collective action on climate adaption ahead of COP26 needed'

International : Oxidation tech to enhance waste-water reuse at lower cost

National : Javadekar urges agriculture sector to save water amid declining availability

International : US special envoy lauds PM Modi's efforts on climate change

International : Road to fight climate change is through climate justice: PM Modi

Politics : IIT-Kanpur, IIT-Delhi, TERI to combat pollution in Delhi

National : Delhi govt to implement technology for real-time source apportionment of pollution

National : Delhi's air quality violated daily safety limits during lockdown: TERI