
Food and Agriculture Organization

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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger and improve nutrition and food security.

Politics : India invited to ministerial meeting on food crisis convened by US: Diplomat

International : Pakistan investigating agency advises expatriates living abroad to refrain from spreading 'chaos' at home

International : IAEA says restored remote transfer of safeguards data from Chornobyl NPP

International : Global deforestation slowing, but tropical rainforests under threat: FAO

International : FAO advocates for vital role of trees, forests

Politics : NIA has over 93% conviction rate, highest among all probe agencies: Shah

Politics : UN agencies appeal for funds to help avert possible famine in Somalia

Business : Corteva introduces One-of-a-Kind Technology Driven Customer Engagement Program to provide Crop Protection Solutions to Farmers

International : FAO chief economist warns of Ukraine conflict's toll on food security

International : FAO chief economist warns of Ukraine conflict's possible heavy toll on food security