
Food and Drug Administration

Food-products-medicines, Latest Marathi News

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The Food and Drug Administration is a federal agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, one of the United States federal executive departments.

Aurangabad : Highest adulteration found in edible oil in the city

Health : 62 salmonella infections linked to Belgian chocolate factory

International : FDA authorizes first-ever breathing test for detecting COVID-19 infection

National : FDA expected to OK additional Covid booster shots

Technology : Google asks FDA to clear Fitbit for passive heart rhythm monitoring

International : Pfizer starts Phase 2/3 clinical study to evaluate safety, efficacy of COVID-19 oral treatment in pediatric population

Health : New US FDA approved eye drops could replace reading glasses

Aurangabad : Food sellers should get monthly health-check ups

Aurangabad : Walkathon spreads awareness of healthy, fresh food

Aurangabad : Food lovers enjoy hygienic and healthy food