
Forrester Research

Forrester-research-inc, Latest Marathi News

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Forrester is a research and advisory company that offers a variety of services including research, consulting, and events.Forrester has nine North America locations: Cambridge, Massachusetts; New York, New York; San Francisco, California; McLean, Virginia; Nashville, Tennessee; Norwalk, Connecticut; Austin, Texas; Dallas, Texas; and Toronto, Canada.

Business : Nominations for the 8th edition of the India Property and Infrastructure Awards in 2023 are now open

Business : Daas Labs unveils ScikIQ to accelerate the digital transformation journey for enterprises

Business : Daas Labs unveils ScikIQ to accelerate the digital transformation journey for enterprises

Business : Contentstack Demonstrates 295 per cent ROI as Part of New Go Composable Initiative To Accelerate Composable Digital Experience Adoption Globally

Technology : Worst months for layoffs arrive as thousands brace for job losses

Business : Vymo emerges as a Strong Performer in sales engagement according to a leading independent analyst research firm