
G20 Summit New Delhi

G20-summit-new-delhi, Latest Marathi News

National : India proposes to launch G20 Satellite Mission for Environment and Climate Observation

National : India circulates new paragraph among G20 countries to describe Ukraine crisis in leaders' declaration

National : G20 Summit 2023: Time to walk together for global good, says PM Modi

National : African Union joins G20 as all member countries accept PM Modi's proposal

National : PM Modi addresses G20 Summit with country name identified as Bharat

National : PM Modi addresses G20 Summit with country name identified as Bharat

National : India showcases Konark temple wheel as PM Modi welcomes guests at G20 summit

National : India's G20 presidency theme Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam global road map for inclusive development: Droupadi Murmu

National : US President Joe Biden lauds India's G20 Presidency

National : Rahul Gandhi takes a dig at government for not inviting Opposition leaders to G20