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Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware.

Business : Golfzon's mobile golf game Golfzon M: Real Swing officially launched globally

Business : Irusu, one of the first Indian companies to build VR headsets, amps up its services to provide robust VR, AR, and MR solutions to Modern India

International : Tamil Chair to be established in University of Houston: PM Modi

Technology : 'This is the moment' to invest in India, Modi tells US biz

International : Who was the Indian-origin woman with President Biden's daughter?

Technology : Google Meet getting new companion mode check-in feature

Technology : YouTube to soon offer AI-powered dubbing tool

Technology : Chrome on iOS users to soon get built-in Lens support

Technology : Google to soon open early access to AI notebook

Technology : Google rolling out new zoom settings in Slides