
Google Mobile Services

Google-mobile-services, Latest Marathi News

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Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. is a Chinese multinational technology company that provides telecommunications equipment and sells consumer electronics, including smartphones, headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.

Technology : Google's mental health & wellbeing manager loses job

National : Lucknow woman conned in cyber fraud case

Technology : Guidelines to curb dark pattern malpractices on e-commerce platforms within 2 months, jail term for offenders in offing

International : Google to remove news from search results in Canada over law on paying publishers

Technology : Google rolling out Q&A, poll features to Meet live streams

Business : Golfzon's mobile golf game Golfzon M: Real Swing officially launched globally

Technology : Google Meet getting new companion mode check-in feature

Technology : YouTube to soon offer AI-powered dubbing tool

Technology : Chrome on iOS users to soon get built-in Lens support

Technology : Google to soon open early access to AI notebook