
Google Play

Google-play, Latest Marathi News

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Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware.

Technology : Google rolling out feature to let users negotiate time directly in Gmail

Technology : Android 14 Beta 4 includes 'auto-confirm unlock' feature, fixes & more

Technology : Westinghouse launches 5 new QLED smart Google TVs in India

Technology : Apple's Phil Schiller, Google arrive on Meta's Threads

Technology : Google Messages may soon get 'animated emoji' feature

Technology : Google Docs for Android to now open into edit mode

Technology : Apps on Google Play with 1.5 mn installs found sending sensitive data to China

Technology : Google testing AI chatbot to expertly answer medical questions

Technology : Google rolling out feature to set working locations in Calendar

International : Google releases fix for 3 actively exploited bugs for Android