
Google Store

Google-store, Latest Marathi News

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Google Store is an online hardware retailer operated by Google, that sells Google Nexus and Google Pixel devices, Chromecasts, Wear OS By Google smartwatches, Nest Labs products, Chromebooks and accessories, including keyboards, chargers and phone covers).

National : ‘Flying’ thief from Telangana arrested by Kerala Police

Technology : Google's mental health & wellbeing manager loses job

National : Lucknow woman conned in cyber fraud case

Technology : Guidelines to curb dark pattern malpractices on e-commerce platforms within 2 months, jail term for offenders in offing

Business : Betasaurus Celebrates 6 Years of Excellence and Launches Betasaurus Global in Dubai

Technology : Meta planning to let EU users download apps through Facebook ads

International : Google to remove news from search results in Canada over law on paying publishers

Technology : Google rolling out Q&A, poll features to Meet live streams

Business : Golfzon's mobile golf game Golfzon M: Real Swing officially launched globally

International : Tamil Chair to be established in University of Houston: PM Modi