
Indian Council of Medical Research

Indian-council-of-medical, Latest Marathi News

Health : 'Rise in pollution linked to increase in patients in emergency rooms'

Health : ICMR-NIV develops ELISA primary diagnostic tool for Nipah virus screening

Health : After AIIMS and Safdarjung, ICMR faces 6,000 hacking attempts

Politics : Leaked MIC gas covered half of Bhopal hours before factory's siren went off

National : ICMR seeks proposals in stillbirths under taskforce programme

National : Dengue cases see a rise in UP's Gorakhpur

Health : Global Hunger Index is an erroneous measure of hunger, say Health Ministry sources

Health : ICMR performs genome characterisation of monkeypox cases, identifies 3 sub-clusters among A.2 lineage in India

Health : Delhi: 3 had heterosexual contact out of 5 monkeypox cases

National : 'Rising Monkeypox cases will not lead to HIV', says top ICMR scientist