
International Organization For Migration

International-organization-for-migration, Latest Marathi News

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Croatia, officially the Republic of Croatia, is a country at the crossroads of Central and Southeast Europe, on the Adriatic Sea.

International : 97 pc Afghan population living below poverty line, under acute food shortage: Survey

International : IOM restarts voluntary humanitarian return of Ethiopian migrants from Yemen

Business : IOM-UN Migration signs MOU with CII

International : With more than half of Afghans dependent on humanitarian aid, IOM calls for support

Politics : 9 mn int'l migrants live in Egypt: IOM

Politics : IOM needs $93.4 mn in funds for Horn of Africa

International : IOM seeks 66 million USD to scale up humanitarian aid in Somalia

Politics : 'Pandemic travel measures need to be streamlined globally'

Politics : 996 illegal immigrants rescued off Libyan coast

Politics : 246 illegal migrants rescued off Libyan coast last week