
Iranian Intelligence Ministry

Iranian-intelligence-ministry, Latest Marathi News

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Ferdowsi University of Mashhad is a university in Northeastern Iran named after the great epic poet Ferdowsi who is the author of Shahnameh.

Other Sports : Global Chess League a huge step towards creating a better environment for chess players, says Iran's Sara Khadem

International : Iraq loses 5,000 MW of electricity as Iran reduces gas supplies

International : Iran executes two men for attack on Shah Cheragh shrine in Shiraz

Politics : Iran says recent nuclear talks with Europe 'explicit, constructive'

International : Iran detains 66 suspects for attempting to smuggle fuel

International : Over 74,000 Afghan migrants returned from Iran in a month

Politics : 2,106 Afghan refugees return home from Iran

Politics : Iranian FM says Tehran's permanent SCO membership to be finalised in July

Politics : 3 killed in clash on Iran-Afghanistan border

International : Convicted of 'corruption on earth', Iranian man publicly executed