
Korea Aerospace Research Institute

Korea-aerospace-research-institute, Latest Marathi News

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The Korea Aerospace Research Institute, established in 1989, is the aeronautics and space agency of South Korea. Its main laboratories are located in Daejeon, in the Daedeok Science Town.

Technology : Watch How Solar Eclipse Looks From Space as NASA Shares Breathtaking Photos and Videos

Technology : Watch: SpaceX's Falcon9 rocket aces 3 launches to space under 20 hours

National : ISRO's Chairman Calls for Expanded Private Participation in Space Sector

International : S.Korea set for homegrown space rocket Nuri's launch next week

Nagpur : DKM teams enter final

International : NASA camera onboard S. Korean orbiter captures lunar South Pole region

International : Sultan AlNeyadi makes history as first Arab astronaut to complete spacewalk on ISS

Entertainment : New 'Indiana Jones' film has 25-min long flashback scene featuring young Harrison Ford

Technology : Private Japanese lander loses communication during touchdown on Moon

Politics : S.Korean President in US on state visit