
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited

Maharashtra-state-electricity-distribution-company-limited, Latest Marathi News

Aurangabad : MSEDCL notification giving sleepless nights to citizens!

Aurangabad : MSEDCL settle power disputes valuing Rs 15 lakh in Lok Adalat

Aurangabad : Demand for electricity skyrockets in April

Aurangabad : Entrepreneurs threaten agitation over electricity price hike

Aurangabad : Former MSEDCL engineer challenges proposed electricity tariff hike

Aurangabad : Electricity supply of three gram panchayats disconnected

Aurangabad : 3.79 lakh customers have arrears of Rs 650 crore

Aurangabad : MSEDCL consumer booked for beating staff in Naregaon

Aurangabad : Decades-old road widening mission accomplished

Pune : Pune: Cyber thief cheats woman online for Rs 60,000 on pretext of pending electricity bill