
Medha Patkar

Medha-patkar, Latest Marathi News

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Medha Patkar is an Indian social activist working on various crucial political and economic issues raised by tribals, dalits, farmers, labourers and women facing injustice in India.

National : COVID-19: Social activist moves SC seeking necessary arrangements for prisoners above 70 yrs

Health : Medha Patkar moves SC seeking release of elderly prisoners amid Covid

Business : Vishal Dilip Bhujbal overcomes the struggles of life and sets an example of compassion

National : Delhi Police issues Lookout Notice against farmer leaders post tractor rally violence

National : Delhi Police issues Lookout Notice against farmer leaders post tractor rally violence

National : Delhi Police FIR on R-Day violence says farmers moved towards Central Delhi amid requests to maintain law, order

National : High-Powered Committee is at liberty to change norms: SC on plea seeking interim release of prisoners under special acts