
Microsoft Azure Cloud

Microsoft-azure-cloud, Latest Marathi News

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Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology company with headquarters in Redmond, Washington. It develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services.

Technology : Microsoft to build quantum supercomputers that can solve impactful problems

International : Microsoft Teams' Collaborative notes feature now in public preview

Technology : Microsoft says early June outages were DDoS attacks

Technology : Microsoft no longer making new Xbox One games

Technology : Microsoft to remove some old File Explorer features on Windows 11

Technology : Windows 11's Android integration to get file sharing feature, settings updates & more

Technology : OpenAI warned Microsoft to go slow on integrating its AI into Bing: Report

Technology : Powerpoint for web gets laser pointer in slideshow, digital ruler & more

Technology : Windows 11 gets new app privacy settings, glanceable VPN feature & more

Technology : Microsoft announces Starfield Xbox controller, new Series S console with 1TB SSD & more