

Microsoft-inc, Latest Marathi News

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Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, a search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware.

Technology : Android malware infects 60 Google Play apps with 100 mn downloads

Technology : Google to shut its G Suite app Currents

Technology : Future ChatGPT models to replace many human tasks: Top AI scientist

International : Starboard acquires conservative social media app Parler

Technology : Amazon, Google CEOs 'hint' at more layoffs amid economic meltdown

Technology : Google Chat to get a new look after Docs, Sheets and Gmail

Technology : Google introduces Android 14 beta, it's new features

Technology : Google releases first public Beta of Android 14

Technology : S.Korea top court orders Google to disclose shared personal data

Business : Pet care startup Snouters raises angel round from Marquee Investors