
Microsoft Research

Microsoft-research, Latest Marathi News

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Microsoft Research is the research subsidiary of Microsoft. It was formed in 1991, with the intent to advance state-of-the-art computing and solve difficult world problems through technological innovation in collaboration with academic, government, and industry researchers.

Technology : Microsoft launches new AI Skills initiative to help people learn AI

Technology : Microsoft planned to develop separate version of Xbox Cloud Gaming

Technology : Microsoft to build quantum supercomputers that can solve impactful problems

International : Microsoft Teams' Collaborative notes feature now in public preview

Technology : Microsoft says early June outages were DDoS attacks

Technology : Microsoft no longer making new Xbox One games

Technology : Microsoft to remove some old File Explorer features on Windows 11

Technology : Windows 11's Android integration to get file sharing feature, settings updates & more

Technology : OpenAI warned Microsoft to go slow on integrating its AI into Bing: Report

Technology : Powerpoint for web gets laser pointer in slideshow, digital ruler & more