
Microsoft Teams

Microsoft-teams, Latest Marathi News

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Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology company with headquarters in Redmond, Washington. It develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services.

International : Microsoft testing AI hub for Windows 11 app store

International : Chinese hackers accessed US govt emails by exploiting bug: Microsoft

International : Chinese hackers accessed US govt emails by exploiting bug: Microsoft

Technology : Microsoft, KPMG expands partnership to reshape professional services via AI

Technology : Microsoft lays off 276 employees in new job cut round

Technology : Microsoft lays off 276 employees in new job cut round

International : Microsoft thinks Sony may launch PS5 Slim this year

Technology : OpenAI disables Browse with Bing in ChatGPT

Technology : Medtronic's heart device data management system vulnerable to hacking

Technology : Microsoft rolls out AI-powered Windows Copilot preview to Insiders