
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Ministry-of-economy-and-industry, Latest Marathi News

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The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry or METI, is a ministry of the Government of Japan. It was created by the 2001 Central Government Reform when the Ministry of International Trade and Industry merged with agencies from other ministries related to economic activities, such as the Economic Planning Agency.

International : 'Beginner Exporter TrackLow-Income ' to offer millions to aid exporters in low income, minority areas

International : Israel: 'Beginner Exporter Track' will offer millions to aid export in low-income, minority areas

International : Israel investing millions in high-tech initiatives for remote areas

Politics : Israel's exports reach record-high in 2022

Technology : Israel to invest $6.13 mn in training Arabs for hi-tech sector

Business : Israel signs free trade deal with UAE, first with an Arab country