
Venkaiah Naidu

Mvenkaiah-naidu, Latest Marathi News

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Muppavarapu Venkaiah Naidu is an Indian politician and the current Vice President of India and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, in office since 11 August 2017.

International : Dakar view New Delhi as reliable partner in its vision of 'Emerging Senegal 2035'

International : Venkaiah Naidu visits Special Economic Zone on his concluding day in Gabon

International : VP Naidu interacts with Indian diaspora in Gabon

International : Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu meets Gabon President in Libreville

Politics : DMK praising Venkaiah triggers speculations of its support in Presidential polls

International : Vice President Naidu meets Gabon Foreign Minister

International : Vice President Naidu emplanes for 3-nation visit to Gabon, Senegal and Qatar

International : Main focus of Vice President's visit to Sengal, Gabon is Francophone countries: MEA

International : Main focus of Vice President's visit to Sengal, Gabon is Francophone countries: MEA

Entertainment : I consider myself fortunate to have spent the best years of my life with Sirivennela: Trivikram