

Naidu, Latest Marathi News

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Shri Muppavarapu Venkaiah Naidu is an Indian politician and the current Vice President of India and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, in office since 11 August 2017.

: Protect culture by taking them to future generations: Naidu

: Time to break conventional educational mould: Venkaiah Naidu

: Can science help ease agriculture distress: Vice President

: There are pockets in nation where social evils persist: Naidu

: Delhi: Akshay Kumar meets Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu

: Jagan's move on 3 Andhra capitals a 'Tughlaq act': Naidu

: RS adjourned sine die, records 100% productivity this session

: Naidu favours use of regional languages in govt offices

: Stone pelting on Naidu's convoy during Amaravati visit

: Venkaiah Naidu urges public display of fundamental duties