
National Capital Region

National-capital-region, Latest Marathi News

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The National Capital Region Transport Corporation - a Joint Venture company of Government of India and States of Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh is mandated for implementing the Regional Rapid Transit System project across the National Capital Region, ensuring a balanced and sustainable urban development through better connectivity and access.

Business : Encore's Midland Credit Management India operations pledges an additional Rs 17 million to local non-profit organizations

Business : Niyatinati: The Ultimate Justice of Karma – A Novel by Aruna Shaibya Launched Worldwide

National : Air quality in Delhi-NCR continue to remain in 'very poor' category

Business : Airtel launches 5G services in Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad of NCR

Business : India's residential realty offtake rises 34% in 2022 despite headwinds: Knight Frank India

Business : Housing sales in metros at new peak, breach previous high of 2014: Anarock report

Business : Mother Dairy to raise milk price by Rs 2 from Tuesday; fifth hike in 2022

National : Yogi Govt to boost real estate sector to achieve goal of $1 trillion economy

Business : Emerging Realty Hotbeds in Gurugram, for End-use and Investment

Politics : Haryana seeks special economic package