
World Health Organization

National-public-health-organization, Latest Marathi News

Health : WHO says mpox still int'l public health emergency

Politics : WHO urges cross-border aid delivery between Turkey, Syria

International : Equatorial Guinea confirms outbreak of Marburg virus, nine persons dead: WHO

International : WHO Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus departs for earthquake-hit Syria

Health : World Cancer Day: WHO calls for intensified action to prevent, detect cancers early

International : Business of selling human organs extracted from prisoners by Chinese govt continues unchecked: Report

International : WHO urges nations to address gaps in leprosy services, accelerate efforts towards achieving zero infection

Health : Measles virus 'cooperates' with itself to cause fatal encephalitis: Research

International : China faces challenge due to flawed COVID containment policies, ineffective vaccines: Report

International : The world has no faith in COVID figures released by China: Report