
New York University

New-york-university, Latest Marathi News

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New York University is a private research university originally founded in New York City but now with campuses and locations throughout the world. Founded in 1831, NYU's historical campus is in Greenwich Village, New York City.

Technology : Study finds insights on how we learn to learn

Entertainment : SRK's daughter Suhana hints being heartbroken on leaving New York

Politics : Authorities probe bomb threats at NYU

Lifestyle : Study reveals importance of ignoring distraction while learning

Entertainment : Indie artiste Arnav Maggo's music video 'Look At Me Now' unveiled

Lifestyle : Study finds free play may help infants learn, develop

Lifestyle : Study shows free play may help infants learn, develop

Technology : Researchers develop artificial cells which can mimic living cells' abilities

Technology : Misinformation on Facebook gets way more engagement than news: Study

International : Personal relics also allow great possibilities for fiction: Artist Biraaj Dodiya