
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Osce, Latest Marathi News

International : OSCE chairperson calls for respecting Human Rights Commitments amid migration crisis

International : G-7 urges Russia to stop 'provocations' on Ukraine

International : G-7 urges Russia to stop 'provocations' on Ukraine

International : G-7 urges Russia to stop 'provocations' on Ukraine

International : NATO accuses Russia of undermining OSCE de-escalation efforts in eastern Ukraine

International : NATO accuses Russia of undermining OSCE de-escalation efforts in eastern Ukraine

International : India lauds efforts of Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe for countering terrorism

International : Russian Foreign Minister warns US, EU over Navalny

International : Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Armenia, Azerbaijan agree to establish ceasefire starting from Sunday midnight